Harehope Quarry
Client : Harehope Quarry Project
Design and implementation of external areas and geological interpretation to Harehope Quarry, Frosterley. The site is significant with regard to to exposures of the fossiliferous limestone known as Frosterley Marble, as well as other examples of North Pennine geological exposures.
Thornton Street, Hartlepool
Client : AWP Newcastle/ Hartlepool Revival
Design and implementation of linear park following lengthy consultation with local residents and stakeholders. The park occupies the site of three blocks of demolished terrace housing and its implementation required a traffic assessment, service diversions and liaison with the local authority highways section prior to construction.
Gateshead Housing Company, Environmental Improvements
Client : AWP Newcastle / Gateshead Housing Company
Design and implementation of a £2.2 million programme of works over 4 years following on from GHC Decent Homes programme. All projects were subject to extensive consultation and required liaison with local authority and local stake holders. A successful programme of consultation was developed to ensure community issues were recognised and then prioritised to take account of available budgets.
Projects ranged from play sites, to community garden areas and estate boundary treatments.
Teeside Biomass LVIA
Landscape and Visual Assessment for a biomass power station on River Tees, Stockton on Tees
Nowhere, Wolsingham
Client: Private clients
Design development and planning approvals for restoration of "Nowhere", Wolsingham. The former blacksmiths forge was converted to an artist studio and physiotherapy practice, and received two Durham County Environment Awards in 2010